When it comes to rubber expansion joints, there are a number of different types. Metraflex, for instance, makes a series of products, including the Series 1500 Ultra-Spool and the Ultra-Sphere. These products are designed to be flexible and allow for a wide range of temperature and load variations, and can be purchased in a wide variety of materials.
Metraflex, a manufacturer of rubber expansion joints, offers a variety of products to protect and increase the efficiency of piping. The company’s online library offers comprehensive information on the company’s products. To learn more about Metraflex rubber expansion joints, visit Thomasnet.com. Here’s a quick overview:
A rubber expansion joint is a flexible connector made of natural or synthetic elastomers, and may include internal metallic reinforcements. These joints are designed to reduce the axial loads on pipelines and process systems. The top five manufacturers have market shares of over 26%, with Europe and North America accounting for more than half of all sales. The top product segment is Universal Rubber Expansion Joints, while the most common applications include Power Systems, Waste Water Systems, Marine Systems, and Industrial Piping Systems.
Series 1500 Ultra-Spool
Series 1500 Ultra-Spool rubber expansion joints are handcrafted in the USA, specifically for the most demanding applications. Their superior construction offers the tightest tolerances and a wider range of movement than standard narrow arch designs. They are available in a variety of sizes to fit any application. Additionally, they have multiple polyester plies and thick steel body rings for added strength and durability. This https://evrproducts.com/products/rubber-expansion-joints/ allows them to retain a high vacuum rating under the most extreme conditions.
Rubber expansion joints are the perfect solution for a variety of piping applications. They are commonly used in HVAC systems and are excellent solutions for preventing vibrations and noise. Because they are pliable, they also reduce piping misalignment. They can also be customized to fit your specific needs.
Metraflex Spool Arch
Spool Arch rubber expansion joints differ from their spool-type cousins in several ways. While the former features metal reinforcing rings, the latter is not characterized by them. These are often custom-made to meet specific installation requirements. The arch is wider than the conventional joint, and the former offers up to 50% greater movement. They also come with either a filled or unfilled arch.
These joints feature a protective lining, made of synthetic or natural rubber. It extends from the bore to the outside edge of the flanges. This helps to prevent materials from penetrating the tube and weakening the fabric. Some are specifically designed for petroleum or chemical service conditions. Others may include metal reinforcement to resist abrasive materials.