Options Trading Alerts Services

There are a number of different options trading alerts services available. Some of these services will deliver alerts via text messages while others may send push notifications. The more options you have for alert delivery, the better. In addition, you should be sure to keep the alert service open at all times while you are using your trading platform. That way, you won’t miss any opportunity to trade. In addition to the alerts service, you should also make sure to keep the options trading platform open, as well as the alert service.

Trade Alert

A trading alert service can be helpful for many different reasons. These alerts notify you of recommended trades based on big data analysis. These alerts can be helpful to both new and experienced investors. They provide detailed instructions for traders on how to implement the recommended trades. They can help you make money by alerting you to profitable trading opportunities. In this article, we’ll discuss someĀ stock option trading alerts of the benefits of options trading alerts and which ones you should consider.

Market Chameleon

The Market Chameleon options trading alerts service is a great way to find stock picks and other opportunities in the options market. It provides access to a range of reports and analysis of catalyst-driven market activity. It also has a unique volume scanner tool that allows users to gauge market sentiment and identify silver options opportunities. For more advanced users, the Market Chameleon screener is useful in gauging market sentiment because it uses concrete data and shows which stocks are the most bullish and bearish in the market.


Optionsonar is a browser-based platform that analyzes options market activity. The options activity scanner highlights large moves in the market, as well as trading activity by institutional investors. This service includes options block trade and order flow screeners that offer customizable parameters and clear visualization tools. It also allows users to set up their own watchlists and alerts. It is easy to get started using the Optionsonar platform.


If you’re interested in learning how to trade options and make more money, you should sign up for the SteadyOptions options trading newsletter. This service not only provides tips on options trading but also offers financial management guidance. You can choose among three different options trading strategies depending on your portfolio value, risk profile and desired return. The newsletter will also offer a real-time update on your portfolio value, which you can use to adjust your strategy if it doesn’t meet your expectations.

Mindful Trader

Unlike other options trading alerts services, the Mindful Trader isn’t an automated robot. Instead, it posts alerts within hours of the U.S. stock market opening. It focuses on stocks with large caps that don’t experience wild fluctuations. This approach is more appropriate for swing traders. It’s also important to note that Mindful Trader isn’t available on mobile devices.