The Importance of Placement Therapy

In the field of speech and language disorders, there are many therapeutic approaches that can help patients improve their articulation and intelligibility. Among them, placement therapy stands out for its ability to strengthen the muscles in the mouth, face and jaw that support the production of sound and the coordination of eating. In this article, we delve into the intricate details of this treatment technique and its potential impact on an individual’s well-being.

What is Placement Therapy?

Placement therapy is a type of oral-motor placement therapy las vegas that uses sensory stimulation to improve the overall function of an individual’s oral motor and feeding skills. It differs from traditional speech therapy, which is largely focused on linguistic exercises. Instead, the oral placement approach focuses on the physical movements needed to produce standard speech sounds. These movements include a combination of visual, auditory and tactile stimulation to allow clients to feel the movement of their tongue, lips and jaw.

For individuals with a variety of disabilities, these sensory and motor integrations are essential to achieving improved communication, nutrition, and overall quality of life. By promoting the coordination of facial muscles and improving speech clarity, placement therapy can have profound benefits for all individuals.

The key to success with placement therapy is making it an integral part of daily routines and incorporating it into the lives of family members and caregivers. Incorporating home exercises into fun activities like games and playtime increases engagement, which can help with the consistency necessary for positive results.

Additionally, therapists who use this treatment method utilize a range of specialized tools to provide precise instruction. These tools may be as simple as using a straw to encourage the shape of the mouth, or as complex as an oral-motor chew tool designed to improve jaw strength and motor coordination. These specialized tools add an element of precision to the therapeutic process and ensure that the client is working on the right muscle groups.

Oral placement therapy can also be used to address a broad spectrum of speech and feeding issues. From apraxia and dysarthria to swallowing difficulties and sensory processing disorders, this specialized treatment method is an effective tool for addressing a wide range of speech-related challenges.

In addition to improving articulation and speech intelligibility, this specialized treatment can also aid in the development of feeding skills, enhance facial muscle coordination, and improve oral-motor motor coordination and control. These benefits make placement therapy an essential component of any comprehensive speech-language pathology plan.

To learn more about how you or your child can benefit from placement therapy, contact a reputable speech-language pathologist today. They will be able to assess your child’s needs and recommend an appropriate therapy program. If your child has more significant speech and feeding issues, they can even be referred to a therapeutic wilderness program, residential treatment center or therapeutic boarding school to address their specific needs and ensure the best outcomes possible.